Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend full of experiences as a family . . .

On Friday, I entered myself into bad-mother-of-the-year-award by forgetting it was a half-day and leaving my second grader at her school 20 minutes after they were let out. And still didn't remember until a school secretary called to say, "Hannah is ready to be picked up now." like she was my dry cleaning . . . sorry honey . . .

On Saturday, Travis and I enjoyed a free date day . . . all day!! At the MOPS auction this year, my mom bought a package of tickets, restaurant gift card and seven hours of babysitting from a fabulous highly coveted home-school girl from our church. My mom kept the tickets and dinner and gave us the babysitting (a priceless gift!!) . . . because it was the end of the month and we get paid at the beginning, the "fun money" was gone. We dug through the drawer and found some un-used gift certificates and had a great day . . . we started out at Starbucks with some yummy coffees and uninterrupted time for conversation with no where to go and nothing to do (that in and of itself was a gift) . . . then we walked around Costco admiring all the deck furniture sets and grills planning the some-day-when-we-win-the-lottery deck we'd buy . . . we then went to a movie (we saw Bridesmaids - lots of inappropriate parts and a bit to much swearing for my taste but plenty of funny moments as well - I'm on the fence about recommending it - just go or rent with the "contains lots of adult content" warning) . . . we headed over to the most romantic spot in town - Lowes - where we held hands through the garden section and did more future dreaming and planning . . . then ended the day at Mae Phim (our favorite Thai restaurant) for a delicious dinner . . . thanks to the generosity of the babysitting and gift certificates, the whole day was free and full of great time spent together  . . .

On Sunday, Carrie (a family friend) took Hannah and I to see the Sea Wolves (our local semi-pro soccer team) for an early birthday adventure for Hannah. We cheered and yelled and enjoyed the game . . .

We kept forgetting the team name . . . we knew it was Sea something so the joke continued all day eventually ending with a text from Travis saying, "How are the Sea Anemones doing?!" Definitely a good laugh!! Thanks Miss Carrie for a great day and a whole new view on soccer (2nd grade is lots of fun but not so many headers!!)

Monday concluded the weekend with a wonderful trip down to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the first BBQ of the season . . . they have built a new deck and re-done their backyard that faces a beautiful forest of trees and relaxing creek . . . it is like being on vacation . . . we had a wonderful time drinking lemonade, eating hamburgers and corn on the cob . . . yummy!!

After dinner, we climbed in the old Ford and got to take a drive . . .

Travis thoroughly enjoyed the difference (a Toyota commuter just doesn't have the same appeal) and the girls enjoyed posing and playing . . . Hannah kept saying, "I can't believe this is real" and Haley responded with wonder, "I just don't know what to say!" . . .

We ended the day at the local cemetery to celebrate and remember two precious people in the family who have passed away . . .

The girls helped place flowers in memory of Papa Duane (who died before the girls were born - in 1998) and Nana (who passed away ten years later - 2008) . . . it was a special time of remembering, celebrating their lives and who they were to the family, and talking about how they are no longer here with us but in a much better place waiting for us . . . it was a precious way to spend the day and conclude a wonderful weekend of fun, friends and family . . .

Monday, May 23, 2011

Banana Bread

What do you get when you mix together four squishy bananas, two giggly girls and a lazy afternoon? A home full of warm smells and some bellies full of banana bread . . .

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pizza Party

Travis is out of town for an education conference so the girls and I invited over our good friends the Lunas for a pizza making party (Winco sells homemade dough for less than $2!! And the mommas made ours on brown rice cakes - delicious!) The pictures speak for themselves (although I couldn't capture the finished result and do it justice, it was delicious!!)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Big Helper

Each week, Haley faithfully helps me with the laundry. She sorts the clothes, puts the clothes in the washer, puts the clothes in the dryer, then puts the dry clothes on the table for me to fold. For this job, she earns one dollar a week (of which she is thrilled because it is paper money) . . . she is an incredibly hard worker . . . and comes up with some very creative ways of helping . . .

Thank you Haley for always making me laugh . . . even in the middle of the mundane.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soggy Soccer

Welcome to soccer in Washington . . . don't think there are words to describe the wetness and coldness and muddiness and craziness . . . but boy are we having fun!!

(The infamous sport-brella . . . like a tent really but does an amazing job of keeping out the rain and cold)

(Grandma and Papa came from Bellingham to watch today - Papa loving the weather!!)

 (Go TOMA-CHICKS!! - no idea where the name came from or what it means?!)

(Good game, good game, good game . . . then on to the parent-made tunnel - the kids favorite)

I have to be honest and admit I had a very sour attitude about the conditions at the beginning of the season and have been quite jealous hearing friends talk about all the baseball game cancellations this year . . . but this sport is growing on me!! The cheering and the running and the excitement and yes, even the rain all add to a super fun way to spend two nights a week as a family . . . and the hot showers and cocoa at the end always help too!! And by the way, if you live anywhere near us, never plan an outside activity on Monday or Wednesday as it will always rain - it our teams good luck!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

This year I had the wonderful opportunity of spending Mothers Day weekend with my oldest and dearest mommy friend (no - I don't mean she's old - I mean she has been my mommy friend the longest . . . since Hannah was only 3 months old).

Our hubbies sent us away to Langley for two days of shopping, chatting, laughing, watching chick flicks and enjoying a "mommy vacation" . . . the bed and breakfast cottage we stayed in was perfect . . .

The company was delightful . . .

And the homeade breakfast they delivered to our room in a basket couldn't have been more story book . . .

Happy Mothers Day Melissa . . . thanks for many a phone call, many words of wisdom and advice, much commiserating, so many laughs, so many memories, so many field trips with the kids, so many days of coffee drinking and talking about nothing, so much support, so much fun, so much monotony, so much the same, so many deep conversations, so many dinner preps, so many play dates and so many "co-parenting" moments . . . so glad you're in my life, by my side inspiring me to be the best mom I can be.

Happy Mothers Day Mom . . . thanks for bringing me into this world . . . thanks for all the diaper changes, sleepless nights, baths, doctors appointments, hair brushing, memory making, laughter, tears, growing, stretching, encouraging, frustrating, challenging, inspiring, learning, wedding planning, baby birthing, mommy training, texting, scrap booking, shopping, organizing and loving . . . I'm so thankful you're my mom - you make an amazing grandma and the girls are so lucky to have a childhood growing up with you in their life!!

Happy Mothers Day Grandma . . . thanks for starting this whole mothering thing . . . without you, there would be no mom and without mom, there would be no me! You have made me laugh so many times I can't even count . . . and watching you struggle and fight to get through your mucky journey has been so inspiring. I know this year is hard with the transition into an assisted living home but I pray it becomes just that - a home to continue your mothering and grand-mothering and great-grand-mothering because heaven knows, we need your wisdom and stories and laughter!!

Happy Mothers Day Marilyn . . . thanks for raising an incredible son to grow into an incredible man and make an incredible husband and dad . . . I know it wasn't always easy but you did a good job with this one!! Thanks for welcoming me into your family with open arms and thanking people as a compliment when they say you're my mom . . . and thank you for loving your granddaughters with all of your heart.

Happy Mothers Day Friends . . . there are to many to list and wouldn't want to miss a single precious woman but you know who you are . . . thanks for encouraging me everyday to grow and live and laugh and love. I am amazed by each of you in so many different ways and I wouldn't be the mom I am without each of you in my life.

Happy Mothers Day Hannah and Haley . . . I wouldn't have the precious title of Mommy without you. You two are truly gifts from God and dreams come true . . . my whole life I wanted to be a mom. In the midst of all the messiness and energy and laughter and tears and learning about life together, I will forever treasure and enjoy each little boo boo to kiss, snuggle to have, book to be read, bed to tuck in, bath time to monitor, disagreement to referee, meal to cook, laundry to fold, school day to pick up, lunch to pack, errand to run, lesson to teach, memory to be made . . . and I promise each of you to pray for you daily . . . for the special journey God has for each of you as you grow into the mighty women God intends you to be . . . and I will savor each day as we all know how fast the years go by . . .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Coffee with my Kiddo

After dropping Hannah off at school this morning I took Haley to Starbucks for a little coffee date . . . armed with a nutrition guide I was able to pick a drink that fit my calorie counting for the day . . .

We laughed, chatted, enjoyed our drinks and had a great morning. I'm gonna miss this little bug when she goes to school in the fall!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Scrappy Bunch of Ladies

This weekend I had the time of my life and had to share . . . my sweet younger sister (okay . . . only sister) and my fabulous mom came down on Saturday for 48 solid hours of scrap booking!! We spread out all over my kitchen and dining room and living room with every kind of paper and sticker and punch and giggled and laughed and glued and shared memories and made memories and didn't want it to end. I didn't take any pictures as I was looking at to many pictures . . . besides, it struck me as odd to take a picture of doing scrapbooks so someday I could scrap a page about scrapping a page?! Anybody?!

Thank you Melissa and Mom for all the fun . . . love you both . . . what are you up to next weekend?!

(And thank you honey for understanding a momma's need to have a weekend without my beautiful girls - and thank you grandma merry for letting those beautiful girls take over your home for 48 hours. . . anytime you want to do that again I'm sure we could work something out . . . wink wink nod nod!!)