Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

This year I had the wonderful opportunity of spending Mothers Day weekend with my oldest and dearest mommy friend (no - I don't mean she's old - I mean she has been my mommy friend the longest . . . since Hannah was only 3 months old).

Our hubbies sent us away to Langley for two days of shopping, chatting, laughing, watching chick flicks and enjoying a "mommy vacation" . . . the bed and breakfast cottage we stayed in was perfect . . .

The company was delightful . . .

And the homeade breakfast they delivered to our room in a basket couldn't have been more story book . . .

Happy Mothers Day Melissa . . . thanks for many a phone call, many words of wisdom and advice, much commiserating, so many laughs, so many memories, so many field trips with the kids, so many days of coffee drinking and talking about nothing, so much support, so much fun, so much monotony, so much the same, so many deep conversations, so many dinner preps, so many play dates and so many "co-parenting" moments . . . so glad you're in my life, by my side inspiring me to be the best mom I can be.

Happy Mothers Day Mom . . . thanks for bringing me into this world . . . thanks for all the diaper changes, sleepless nights, baths, doctors appointments, hair brushing, memory making, laughter, tears, growing, stretching, encouraging, frustrating, challenging, inspiring, learning, wedding planning, baby birthing, mommy training, texting, scrap booking, shopping, organizing and loving . . . I'm so thankful you're my mom - you make an amazing grandma and the girls are so lucky to have a childhood growing up with you in their life!!

Happy Mothers Day Grandma . . . thanks for starting this whole mothering thing . . . without you, there would be no mom and without mom, there would be no me! You have made me laugh so many times I can't even count . . . and watching you struggle and fight to get through your mucky journey has been so inspiring. I know this year is hard with the transition into an assisted living home but I pray it becomes just that - a home to continue your mothering and grand-mothering and great-grand-mothering because heaven knows, we need your wisdom and stories and laughter!!

Happy Mothers Day Marilyn . . . thanks for raising an incredible son to grow into an incredible man and make an incredible husband and dad . . . I know it wasn't always easy but you did a good job with this one!! Thanks for welcoming me into your family with open arms and thanking people as a compliment when they say you're my mom . . . and thank you for loving your granddaughters with all of your heart.

Happy Mothers Day Friends . . . there are to many to list and wouldn't want to miss a single precious woman but you know who you are . . . thanks for encouraging me everyday to grow and live and laugh and love. I am amazed by each of you in so many different ways and I wouldn't be the mom I am without each of you in my life.

Happy Mothers Day Hannah and Haley . . . I wouldn't have the precious title of Mommy without you. You two are truly gifts from God and dreams come true . . . my whole life I wanted to be a mom. In the midst of all the messiness and energy and laughter and tears and learning about life together, I will forever treasure and enjoy each little boo boo to kiss, snuggle to have, book to be read, bed to tuck in, bath time to monitor, disagreement to referee, meal to cook, laundry to fold, school day to pick up, lunch to pack, errand to run, lesson to teach, memory to be made . . . and I promise each of you to pray for you daily . . . for the special journey God has for each of you as you grow into the mighty women God intends you to be . . . and I will savor each day as we all know how fast the years go by . . .

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