Sunday, June 19, 2011

Book Review

I just finished reading "Hope is Contagious" by Dr. Ken Hutcherson and it was incredible. This man is amazing. A retired NFL player turned dynamic preacher here in Redmond, Washington, he's an outspoken advocate for everything from adoption to marriage between a man and a woman who has received much flak for his "pull no punches" way of speaking the biblical truth.

In the introduction, he explains why he wrote this book . . . "We are all too familiar with whining. We see it all the time, usually from people who appear to have everything they've ever wanted. Nothing contagious about that . . they see a rainbow and they complain about the rain. . . but think of all the people who've inspired you. I'm pretty sure they weren't the ones complaining about the weather or the economy or the Democrats or the Republicans. I don't know about you, but the people I like to hang out with are the ones who have been knocked off their horse and yet find a way to laugh about it." My friend Jamie would say, "Holla . . ."

This book is incredibly inspiring and has lots of great advice and things to think about . . . pg. 132 - "Fear causes you to endure, while hope gives you the courage to live your life to the fullest." But he doesn't mince words and flat calls you and your attitude out . . . and isn't afraid to boldly give the truth - that Jesus is the strength and the source of salvation and change in your life.

It's a quick read but has so many shining moments and quotes, I re-read more than a few sections just to soak it all in. I'd recommend this book over and over again. Hope is contagious . . . how are you going to choose to start your day?

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