Thursday, July 19, 2012

An Anniversary Honeymoon

On July 14th, we celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. My parents, the generous grand-kid loving people that they are, took our kiddos for a six day "gramma camp" while we enjoyed some special time of connecting and relaxing and enjoying eachother.

We watched a total of six movies, read a total of three books, went to sushi, explored a little street fair, took a walk, slept in, made some fun meals, and ended with a grand finale trip to Seattle having lunch at the Space needle, visiting the newly built Seattle public library (solid glass windows - crazy!) and finishing with some world famous featured on Food Network Top Pot doughnuts. We had an incredible time . . .

It was an amazing time . . . full of memories and some much needed time to focus on nothing but each other. As much as I couldn't wait for the girls to be picked up, the day they were coming home, we both couldn't wait for their arrival. I felt like the kids staring out the window every few minutes . . . and this went on throughout the entire day!! That little knock on the door was sweet music to our ears . . . and the hugs from a time away warmed my heart.

Our marriage came first . . . and will always be first. It's healthy for our kids to see us wanting to spend some time together and important for us to clear away the distractions every once in a while. But man, do we love those kids! Part of what has made our marriage so special and these 11 years so sweet is the addition of two incredible little girls rounding out our family.

Marrying my husband was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Thank you for standing strong beside me when I couldn't, for still making me laugh, for adding spontaneity to my type a life, for stepping up to the challenge of being a daddy and doing it so well, and for living your vows everyday . . . in sickness and in health, for better or worse, in joy as well as sorrow, supporting me and loving me and cherishing me . . . as long as we both shall live.

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