Saturday, September 3, 2011

Laura Story - Blessings

My sister sent me a link to this video this morning and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I was just having a conversation yesterday (as we dealt with more decisions and life coming our way) about how it feels like God has been teaching me over the last few years that everything can be turned upside down. Just when you think you know how it's going to go . . . or just when things are starting to crest over that valley you've been stuck in . . . something big happens or you have to deal with a whole new cluster of issues you didn't see coming.

During my morning bible reading, I came across a few verses from Ecclesiastes that said, "To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life - this is indeed a gift from God. Enjoy what you have rather that desiring what you don't have." Then to open my email and receive this video?! I think the beautiful lesson I got this morning was not a discouraging 'buckle your belt for the next thing coming' but 'change your view on what a blessing is.' Maybe this craziness is what it is about. Life is short and what we have is a gift. Enjoy the song and maybe have a tissue or two ready . . .

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