Throughout the book, she attempts to prove, through scripture, quotes from other authors and personal musings, that women are equal to men in the calling to serve. She says on page 73 . . . "It's obvious that biological differences exist. And much work has been done on possible emotional and spiritual differences between the genders. The real point is not that there is no difference, but that there is no equality distinction and there are no limitations in using our gifts in and for God's kingdom." And that's where my appreciation with her ideas stopped. If you know me at all, you know my favorite bible study teacher is Beth Moore - a strong, blessed, called, passionate woman of God. And I am passionate about MOPS. A ministry run entirely by strong, blessed, gifted called women. And pastor's wives? I think pastor's wives are called just as strongly as the pastor themselves to the job they will have in the church they are called to serve. My problem is not in the fact that Jesus empowers women.
As the book continued, I felt she portrayed Jesus and the bible as a liberal women's rights advocate manual (even naming one chapter "Jesus the Feminist"). Now please don't misunderstand me . . . Jesus was an advocate for many people and shook things up by honoring and calling "the least of these" including women during his time on earth. And I agree that God has an amazing plan for women in His kingdom and gives us the same Holy Spirit and the same distribution of gifts . . . it's just that I don't personally view the scriptures to lay out a clear agenda to put women on a pedestal demanding their equality.
I understand what she was trying to describe or debate and agree that there are many cultures who think it is okay to demean women and treat them as second class citizens . . . this is wrong. In no way am I trying to excuse that behavior or even began to say I understand what these women must go through each day just to be treated as a human being.To our amazing creator, all people are His children - man and woman, young and old, strong or weak. In our culture however, I think there is a common misconception of the word "submissive" and for a lot of people it is a bad thing representing weakness or lack of input in a relationship. I disagree. God clearly lays out His plan for women in the bible . . . and we are called to be a "help mate." There are a million ideas and philosophies out there and I don't want to engage anyone in a heated debate over a "non-salvation" issue . . . if you acknowledge that you are a sinner, ask for forgiveness, believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again for your eternal salvation, if you ask Him into your heart, you are saved. Those are salvation issues. Whether or not you'd agree with Danielle Strickland that Jesus is a feminist or not is up to your own research and thought.
If you'd like to win a free copy of this book to read and decide for yourself, just put your name in the comments section or send me an email and I will notify the winner. The book was given to me free through Kregal Publishing to read and review on my blog. Honestly, if I would have read this book on my own from the library, I would not have chosen to review and recommend. You are welcome to disagree with me . . . no controversy or pushing my personal views intended . . . just something to think about.
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