Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Treasures Found

I loooove thrift store shopping. I love getting amazing clothes for crazy prices . . . (I'll let you in on my favorite stores if you're in the area and ask!)

On Saturday, my mom, sister and I went on an all day thrift store marathon. My sister even did research to find  new places to stop. I found some fantastic things . . . and couldn't even begin to describe and show you everything . . . but I will show you my two favorites!!

I have wanted rain boots for a long time. And I'm not sure if you have ever priced adult sized rain boots but they are expensive. Even Target sells expensive rain boots. . . but never fear . . . the thrift store shopper finds a treasure!

They are MIA rain boots and YES . . . they were $7.99!!! Whooo hoooo!!

The other thing I have always wanted is a bread box. It might sound ridiculous but my daddy has a bread box at home and it holds a lot of memories from growing up . . .

And yes . . . I found an antique bread box for only $15 . . . it makes me soooo happy and I can't wait to fill it with bread and make some memories with my own family.

I wish I could take pictures of all the clothes and shoes that I found . . . now the only tricky thing each day is what to wear! Bargains can be found and the search can be sooo fun! (Thanks Miss for putting together such a great time - such great deals and such great laughs!)

1 comment:

  1. Would love a list of favorite places. I am setting up a date day soon.


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