Friday, April 1, 2011


I came home yesterday from a long stay in the hospital . . .

I am no where near the end of this flare but spoke to the Doctor about finishing in my own bed . . . he felt I was stable enough to give it a try. Prayers are appreciated for the transition and healing of my body.

I began to feel bad for myself lying back in a hospital bed . . . until the young woman in the bed next to me got diagnosed Wednesday night with lung cancer . . . and I realized how blessed I am. Yes - I have a difficult chronic illness . . . yes - it changes my family and my life daily . . . yes - there are a hundred and five things I'd rather be doing . . . but I don't have cancer . . . what a humbling and grounding experience.

Please pray for Rose . . . the sweet woman with a long road ahead of her. . . and please be thankful for the situation you're in . . . maybe it's hard . . . maybe it's a struggle . . . maybe it's a daily battle . . . maybe it's even cancer . . . but God is good . . . and He can use all things . . .

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