Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hospital Hotel

I have my own room now - it's like a palace with a window to the water, my own toilet and shower and sink area . . . it's awesome but this was my half of the broom closet I got to stay in for four days . . .
A great nurse named Seth . . . he is the one who finally got me my own room - he's married with babies ladies but he is fabulous . . . SOOOOO thankful for his good care today!!

My friendly food service delivery man Charles - we're buddies - he always has a smile and nice healthy food for me - if I haven't ordered yet, he checks in with me . . . we've been together since Tuesday now - nice to make friends . . .

And this is how I spend most of my days . . . although the computer is just a short sweet visitor from time to time . . . I'm always hooked up to these breathing treatments . . . they try to make me wait four hours if possible but haven't made that much - usually every two and sometimes even one . .. I have an iv hook up in my left arm and six bruises where they tried to start an iv - apparently I have superficial veins that look pretty but don't go very deep . . .
So this has been my life - and it sucks and it's hard and it's lonely but God has introduced me to the most wonderful people here and I'm sharing their lives - and He's overwhelming me with His peace and joy that surpasses all understanding . . . and I'm soooo thankful for my own room now . . . and here I sit . . . I'm not allowed to have visitors for a while as I'm on so much meds and it's making my blood pressure rise . . . I can, however, recieve emails through the hospital website (providence colby campus room 425) . . .they print them out and bring them to me and it's SOOO encouraging . . .
I am grateful to all of you who are praying for us and loving us and rooting us on . . . we never imagined life might look like this - but I'd never trade it for the world - I know my husband loves me in the most selfless better/worse vow type of ways - and I know my girls are the most beautiful things on the planet (they came today really quick to tape some pictures up on my wall . . . and they smell sooooo good!!) and I know God loves me and has a plan in all of this . . .
I'll do this another year if I have to . . . because God is good and life is worth it . . .

1 comment:

  1. Oh Karla. Your hope and enthusiasm for life, even while in the yucky mucky trenches.... you are such an inspiration to me. Keep that head held high, my friend. We are literally *showering* you with prayers. WE LOVE YOU!!!!


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